
Moin! I'm Julian and this is my website. I was born in the beautiful city of Hamburg, Germany and continue to live here to this day.

I love music, books, video games and traveling. I speak German, English and Japanese.

My personal love of technology started with video games and my creative interest grew out of building a bunch of personal websites and fansites as a teen in the early 2000s which led to me studying computer science in college. I've been working as a Developer, Data Engineer, Architect and Team Lead in Software and Data for over a decade now.

My big fancy tech jobâ„¢ consumed a large portion of my 20s which led to me unfortunately neglecting a lot of my hobbies for a long while. I liked writing as a teen and played piano for many years, both things I haven't done for a long time. The same goes for video games. For a time I couldn't really get into any games and felt like I lost something dear to my heart. I also fell out of love with programming and tech as I became more and more disenchanted by the realities of doing this stuff as a job day in and day out.

But I refuse to accept this as an inevitability and want to rekindle the flame by going back to what I liked about all these things in the first place: having a creative outlet for my thoughts and emotions. This website is for rediscovering passions that have fallen by the wayside in the past couple of years and documenting what comes out of that!

Technical Details

This page is written in HTML, SCSS and Markdown and generated with Zola. It is hosted with GitHub Pages.